About ‘G’

For years I have struggled to understand what makes the great – great? Equally important of a question, what stalls the progress of the common?     If I may be vulnerable; common has become all too familiar to me as well. I’ve allowed the pressure, both internal: the learned limits of adolescence, the conformity that culture lulls, and the fear that media incessantly offers as reality to curtail self-expansion.

Though years were allowed to pass, muddled in the need for acceptance, and a constant nagging of feeling not enough.  Alas, what led me to NOW?What single event brought me to this place of,  if more is possible, then I must experience – the more. What will be necessary to re-vise: the automatic, and through long practice, now unconscious patterns that have become me? One word – attention! Training yourself to pay attention to what has become your familiar habits of thought, feelings, and behavior.  The only way an individual will come to alter their life is through altering their pattern of thinking.

I have decided to expose myself to the finest of ideas, because every habit of thought was received from an outside source. So you are very likely rehearsing, even re-living: the relational, the financial, and the emotional quiet desperation that has become life’s uncomfortable – comfort.

The past never sees the future; I’m deciding who I AM!

In between our current standard, and our definition of better, is the ‘process’ or some say, journey.  I started writing for me, synthesizing ideas from the scriptures and a variety of other book sources. But soon learned that this was not just for me. It’s with this process in mind that I hope we can be inspired together along the way.

We have become what we have long associated with, and most times this image screams of chaos, and is void of design.

It would be here perhaps that all my notable successes would be chronicled, painting the picture of credibility: itinerant travel, six figure income, training courses and varied other offerings. But I begin, as all men and women begin – with an ideal. Training my gaze away from a familiar past, to a designed future initially only seen within the mind as – vision.

At my core I have: my wife B, (Irene), my sons Sam and Sidney, a barber career of 25 years and an undying passion to become more than I have been. But herein I declare, with every part of my being in integral agreement – I have a Dream. What’s yours?

Becoming is a process, and process involves time..