Mind, and it’s misuse III

The world has unwittingly adopted the notion that worry is taking responsibility, but worry is a severe misuse of the mind.

The philosophy, the harder you toil, affords increased success with its associated anxiety is flawed. A person has approximately 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day, what’s more sobering is 90 percent are the same ones we had yesterday. With yesterday’s failure and tomorrow misgivings, the discerning mind can now see why change has its challenge. Albert Einstein alluded to this habitual nature when he penned, ‘We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.’ Human beings are God’s highest form of creation, but unfortunately we’ve learned slave like patterns that suggest we are not enough. We take our clues from the media, association, and uninformed family that tend not to support our highest. The repetition of this kind of thinking forms beliefs, and the unseen power of belief, allows or curtails our ability to thrive. ‘For as he thinks within himself, so is he or she…,‘ and as you continue to think, so you remain.

‭-Proverbs‬ ‭23:7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Identity is an individual’s unconscious pattern of thinking and feeling. In order for you and I to become aware of these learned pattern to practice more supportive thoughts, we have to start paying attention to what we have been thinking. That’s called metacognition.  Better yet, becoming aware of how we are feeling at any giving moment will serve as perhaps the best tool of change. Why, because emotions are byproducts of your thinking. So to note the feeling, is to find the cause, and thinking is the cause. The adjustment of patterned thinking will be of a very personal and persistent effort. But the cost is remaining held by yesterday’s habits and whatever portion of your life that is less than God best for you. This begs the question, What is it (change) worth to you?

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